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Graduate Students

Learn more about the graduate students in the Department of English at Saint Louis University.

Department of English Graduate Students

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Brianne Bannon

Email: brianne.bannon@slu.edu

Area of Study: 20th & 21st Century American Literature 


Colten Biro for web

Colten R. Biro

Email: colten.biro@slu.edu

Bachelor of Science in English & Political Science from Spring Hill College; Graduate Philosophy & Letters Degree from 麻豆视频下载; Master of Arts in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: Long Nineteenth Century British Literature and Culture, Children's Literature, Digital Humanities and Archives, Long Nineteenth Century Political Philosophy, Educational and Developmental Theory

Secondary Specializations: Golden Age Children's Literature (1865-1928); Medical Humanities; Digital/Public Humanities; Intellectual & Philosophical Histories in Literature

Alexa Broemmer for web

Alexa Broemmer

Email: alexa.broemmer@slu.edu

B.A. in English from Quincy University, M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载 

Area of Study: 19th-20th Century American Literature 

Areas of Interest: Women's and Gender Studies, Horror, Ecocriticism

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Cheyenne Burns

Email: cheyenne.burns@slu.edu

B.A. in English Literature from Lindenwood University

Area of study: Contemporary Feminist Literature 


Sarah Burt headshot

Sarah Burt 

Email: sarah.burt@slu.edu 

B.A. in English and History from Southern Illinois University Edwardsville (SIUE) 2019, M.A. in English Language and Literature 2021. 

Area of Study: Medieval Studies

Areas of Interest: Eco-material studies, eco-critical and animal agency in medievalism, cross-cultural analysis, cross-period analysis, chivalric romance, and transformative mythologies and folklore. 

zyshonne cowans headshot

Zy'Shonne Cowans

Email: zyshonne.cowans@slu.edu

B.A. in English from Central Methodist University

Area of Study: Contemporary Literature and African-American Literature.


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Hazel Denother

Email: hazel.denother@slu.edu

B.A. in English and Spanish from Lindenwood University

Area of Study: 20th-21st Century American Literature, Existentialism, Feminist Studies, and Psychology


Luke Desnoyer headshot

Luke Desnoyer

Email: luke.desnoyer@slu.edu

B.A. in English from Truman State University

Area of Study: Rhetoric and Critical Theory

Haris Fazlic headshot

Haris Fazlic

Email: haris.fazlic@slu.edu

B.A. in English from the University of Missouri, M.A. in English from Tulane University

Area of Study: Romanticism/Romantic Studies

Areas of Interest: Pastoral Poetry, John Clare Studies, Object Theory, Transcendental Philosophy


Wayika Fordjour headshot

Wayika Fordjour

Email: dorcasfordjour7@gmail.com

B.A. in English Language

Area of Study: Postcolonial Literature and Feminism

Nicholas Gomez headshot

Nicholas Gomez

Email: nicholas.gomez@slu.edu 

B.A. in English and American Literature from University of Texas El Paso;
M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: Rhetoric and Composition

Areas of Interest: Philosophy and Rhetoric, Ancient Rhetoric, Pedagogy, Classical Studies, Composition Studies

Myles Hesse headshot

J. Myles Hesse

Email: john.hesse@slu.edu  

B.S. in English and Theatre from Indiana State University; M.A. in Theatre and Performance Studies from Washington University in St. Louis

Area of Study: Transatlantic Modernisms

Areas of Interest: Spiritual Queerness, Dramatic Literature, Queer Gothic

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Ari Hutchinson

Email: ari.hutchinson@slu.edu

M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载, B.A. in English from Palm Beach Atlantic University

Area of Study: Literature of the Fin de Si猫cle, Transatlantic Literature, Queer Theory, Paganism and Spirituality

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Ahlam Jaber

Email: ahlam.jaber@slu.edu 

Bachelor of Arts in English from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville; Master of Arts in English from Southern Illinois University of Edwardsville

Area of Study: Postcolonial Literatures and Cultures

Areas of Interest: Contemporary Postcolonial & Decolonial Studies, Arab American Literature, Latin American Literature, Native/Indigenous Literature, Cultural Studies, Ecopoetics

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Sydney Lindsey

Email: sydney.rice@slu.edu 

B.A. in English Education from Murray State University, M.A. in English from Saint Louis University

Area of Study: Contemporary Literature and Film

Areas of Interest: Women and Gender Studies, Horror and the Gothic

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Meredith Lyons

Email: meredith.lyons@slu.edu 

B.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: Drama, Theatre and Performance studies, Playwriting, Shakespeare Studies & Criticism

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Nate Meshau

Email: nathan.meshau@slu.edu 

B.A. in English, Political Science, and Foreign Language and Literature from University of Missouri - Kansas City

Area of Study: Contemporary American Literature and Politics

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Charlie Myers 

Email: charlie.meyers@slu.edu

M.A. in Theater and Performance Studies from Washington University, M.F.A. in Playwriting from University of Iowa, B.A. in Theater and Jewish Studies from Smith College

Area of Study: Dramatic Literature, Queer Studies, Jewish Studies, Magical Realism

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Emma O'Donnell

Email: emma.k.odonnell@slu.edu 

M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载, B.A. in English Literature from Missouri State University

Area of Study: The Victorian Novel

Ryan Prewit for web

Ryan Prewitt 

Email: ryan.prewitt@slu.edu 

M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: 20th Century and Contemporary American Literature

Areas of Interest: Digital Literature, Literary Countercultures, Politics and Aesthetics, Digital Rhetoric

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Johaeng (Jo) Rho

Email: jo.rho@slu.edu 

M.A. in English from the University of Tennessee, Knoxville

Area of Study: Early Modern Drama, Performance Studies, Early Modern Governmentality, Affect Theory

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August Rickard

Email: august.rickard@slu.edu

B.A. in English from Webster University

Area of Study: Early Modern British Literature, Gender and Sexuality, Feminist Theory, Book History

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Dominic Robin

Email: dominic.robin@slu.edu 

B.A. in English and Business Administration, College of the Ozarks; M.A. in English, University of North Florida

Area of study: 20th-21st Century American Literature

Area(s) of interest: Medical humanities, disability studies, narrative theory, homeschool literature, language acquisition theory, Latin American literature, Andean studies, anthropology, modernism

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Jenova Roetto

Email: jenova.roetto@slu.edu 

B.A. to M.A. Student

Area of Study: Contemporary Literature, Speculative Fiction 

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Alex Rubi

Email: alex.rubi@slu.edu 

B.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: Asian-American Literature, Postcolonial Literature

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A. Sciandra

Email: amanda.sciandra@slu.edu

B.A. in English from Lindenwood University

Area of Study: Rhetorical Incompleteness, Post-Humanism, Temporal Fragmentation, Phenomenology and Ontology, Gothic Poetics

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Brooklynn H. Shatto

Email: brook.shatto@slu.edu 

M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载, B.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study:  Rhetoric, Politics, and Digital Humanities

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Rachel Linn Shields

Email: rachel.l.shields@slu.edu

B.A. in English from the University of Washington (Seattle, WA), M.A. interdisciplinary studies with a literature focus from New York University (New York, NY), and M.F.A. in creative writing with a fiction focus from the University of Washington (Seattle, WA)

Area of study: Medieval Literature

Area(s) of interest: Ecocriticism, poetics, creative writing, history of the book

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Isaac Smith

Email: isaac.b.smith@slu.edu

B.A. in Psychology and English from University of Missouri

Areas of Interest: Rhetoric, Victorian Literature, Satire

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Kathleen (Katie) Eck Thorman

Email: kathleen.eck@slu.edu 

B.A. in English and Secondary Education from Dominican University; M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: 19th Century British Literature

Areas of Interest: Disability Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, and Teaching Pedagogy

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Amanda VanNierop

Email: amanda.vannierop@slu.edu

B.A. in English and Political Science from 麻豆视频下载

Area of Study: Contemporary American Literature and Politics, Popular Culture Studies, The Shape of the Novel

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Savanah Warners

Email: savanah.warners@slu.edu

M.A. in English from 麻豆视频下载, B.A. in English and B.S. in Biology from Alma College

Area of Study: Contemporary American Literature, Ecocriticism, Plants and Fungi, Women's and Gender Studies 

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Evan Webster

Email: evan.webster@slu.edu 

B.A. in English from Webster University

Area of Study: Medieval Literature and Narrative Studies, Rhetoric and Power

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Zahin Zaima

Email: zahin.zaima@slu.edu 

M.A. from Eastern Illinois University, B.A. from East West University, Dhaka, Bangladesh

Area of Study: Postcolonial Feminism